Trying to put
the frustration of the Private Eye cartoon out of my mind, I've spent the afternoon inking this. Still a work in progress but now closer to the end than the beginning. My big accomplishment today was thinking of an ending. This morning, I biked into town to take photographs around our local Wilko so I might have some reference material when drawing in the backgrounds. Not that it was needed. It was all brickwork, plastic fascias and mobility scooters. However, I'd also gone there to listen to people talking. I hoped something might inspire me to draw the last two frames, which I sat staring at deep into the night without inspiration. This morning, sitting outside Wilko for a few moments, I did talk to a local (about the weather), at which point I realised that I was sitting saying real things outside Wilko. When I got home, I drew myself into the final frame which seemed right and summed up my mood for this dismal day. [caption id="" align="aligncenter" width="540"]
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